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CategoryBathtub & Shower
Key featuresThermostatic
Connection Eccentric coupling(s), Cover plate(s), Silencer(s)
Diverter Turn operated diverter, Integrated into flow control handle
Lever/Handle Temperature control handle, Flow control handle
Mechanical parts Thermostatic cartridge for automatic temperature control, Litter filter(s), Non-return valve(s)
Number of spray functions 3 spray functions
Shower parts Hand shower, Shower rail, Adjustable shower rail bracket, Soap dish, Shower hose (1750 mm), Eco flow control
Shower spray Normal - Even and soft water stream, Refreshing - Strong water stream, activates and refreshes body, Relaxing - Soft water stream, pleasant for entire body
Spout Fixed spout
Color Chrome
Temperature Safety stop against scalding at 38°C
Eco-flow at 300 kPa 0.14 l/s
Flow-rate at 300 kPa 0.33 l/s
Pressure loss with flow (0.3 l/s) 300 kPa
Backflow prevention (EN1717) EB
Hot water supply max. +80°C
Working pressure 100 - 1000 kPa
EN standard EN 1111, EN 1112, EN 1113
Noise class I (ISO 3822) Oras lab.
Declaration of conformity DoC
Flow attributes
Technical properties
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