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CategoryShower solutions
Key featuresThermostatic
Connection Direct connection, Internal thread, Cover plate(s)
Lever/Handle Temperature control handle, Flow control handle, Eco feature for water flow, Safety feature for water temperature
Mechanical parts Thermostatic cartridge for automatic temperature control, Litter filter(s), Non-return valve(s), Ceramic head part for flow control
Shower parts Eco flow control
Color Matt black
Temperature Safety stop against scalding at 38°C, Temperature preset fixable
Advanced features -
Eco-flow at 300 kPa 0.19 l/s
Flow-rate at 300 kPa 0.27 l/s
Pressure loss with flow (0.2 l/s) 165 kPa
Backflow prevention (EN1717) EB
Connection size G3/4
Hot water supply max. +80°C
Installation width 150 mm
Material Brass
Working pressure 100 - 1000 kPa
EN standard EN 1111
Noise class I (ISO 3822) Oras lab.
Declaration of conformity DoC
STF EUFI29-22005199-TH
KIWA SE 1598
Flow attributes
Technical properties
Approvals and Declarations
CategoryShower solutions
Key featuresThermostatic
Connection Eccentric coupling(s), Cover plate(s), Silencer(s)
Lever/Handle Temperature control handle, Flow control handle, Eco feature for water flow, Safety feature for water temperature
Mechanical parts Thermostatic cartridge for automatic temperature control, Litter filter(s), Non-return valve(s), Ceramic head part for flow control
Shower parts Eco flow control
Color Matt black
Temperature Safety stop against scalding at 38°C, The housing of the fittings conducts minimal heat
Advanced features Inner body made of DZR brass
Eco-flow at 300 kPa 0.19 l/s
Flow-rate at 300 kPa 0.27 l/s
Pressure loss with flow (0.2 l/s) 165 kPa
Backflow prevention (EN1717) EB
Connection size G1/2
Hot water supply max. +80°C
Installation width 150 mm
Material Brass
Working pressure 100 - 1000 kPa
EN standard EN 1111
Noise class I (ISO 3822) Oras lab.
Declaration of conformity DoC
KIWA SE 1598
Flow attributes
Technical properties
Approvals and Declarations
Shower solutionsShower solutions
Key featuresThermostaticThermostatic
ConnectionDirect connection, Internal thread, Cover plate(s)Eccentric coupling(s), Cover plate(s), Silencer(s)
Lever/HandleTemperature control handle, Flow control handle, Eco feature for water flow, Safety feature for water temperatureTemperature control handle, Flow control handle, Eco feature for water flow, Safety feature for water temperature
Mechanical partsThermostatic cartridge for automatic temperature control, Litter filter(s), Non-return valve(s), Ceramic head part for flow controlThermostatic cartridge for automatic temperature control, Litter filter(s), Non-return valve(s), Ceramic head part for flow control
Shower partsEco flow controlEco flow control
ColorMatt blackMatt black
TemperatureSafety stop against scalding at 38°C, Temperature preset fixableSafety stop against scalding at 38°C, The housing of the fittings conducts minimal heat
Advanced features-Inner body made of DZR brass
Eco-flow at 300 kPa0.19 l/s0.19 l/s
Flow-rate at 300 kPa0.27 l/s0.27 l/s
Pressure loss with flow (0.2 l/s)165 kPa165 kPa
Backflow prevention (EN1717)EBEB
Connection sizeG3/4G1/2
Hot water supplymax. +80°Cmax. +80°C
Installation width150 mm150 mm
Working pressure100 - 1000 kPa100 - 1000 kPa
EN standardEN 1111EN 1111
Noise classI (ISO 3822) Oras lab.I (ISO 3822) Oras lab.
Declaration of conformityDoCDoC
KIWA SE15981598
Flow attributes
Technical properties
Approvals and Declarations